About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

First Bath for Little Dippity

The Captain is so happy with the new dinghy. For those of you who don't know him well, he doesn't make purchases on impulse or without extensive research. ExTENsive research. LOTS of extensive research. For a LONG time. But our new water taxi is wonderful; we can zip along without getting dinghy butt and take friends and groceries and laundry and still stay dry and make good time.

She's so gorgeous, however, that even flora and fauna can't resist her. In a short two weeks she grew fur and barnacles underneath. We took her to Sombrero Beach for a bath (combined with a fun trip with friends and sun and adult beverages), and she cleaned up so well that the Captain grinned with full toothage.

From Groundhogs to Otters

It's hot!!! We're in the Keys!!! Blue jeans and sweatshirts are firmly packed well below the water line and swimsuits hanging all over the boat. Frosty beverages by the pool and at the beach. Now THIS is what we meant to do all along; we must have been using the wrong charts and cruising guides since October. There are always boat projects to be done, but there's something about Marathon that keeps you from working. We've spent all our time enjoying the gorgeous scenery, weather and new and old friends. We've had potluck dinners on the dock, a birthday party at Dockside, swimming and pizza parties at the pool and rum punch parties on the dock. When September Song, Where's Linda, Bombay Lady, Sea Pearl and Floating Stone leave, we'll have to rest up and dry out for a looooong time. In the meantime, we're trying our best to enjoy ourselves enough to compensate for our friends who are working and living in places with bad weather. We hope you appreciate it.