About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On your mark, get set......Marathon!!

We arrived in Boot Key Harbor late Wednesday afternoon, and were happy to see the familiar landmarks -- Seven Mile Bridge, Lazy Days, Panchos, Burdines, etc. One new sight was Summer Wind, our friends Rusty and Nancy's new boat, anchored outside the harbor. They were waiting to come into Dockside the next day and spotted us as we arrived. We were able to get our first glimpse of their new boat through the binoculars.

When we arrived at Dockside, we had a great welcoming committee and dock hands. William and Judy were already docked, and Bob and Stephanie (m/v September Song) and Bob and Katie (m/v Floating Stone), friends from last year in Marathon, were all on the dock to help us tie up. What a great sight (and great help)! We tried our best to catch up on what had happened over the past year, but it may take more time over the next month. Bob and Stephanie were kind enough to host happy hour on September Song so we could begin. Their lovely girls, Cassie and Godiva, were excellent hostesses, although Godiva was too sleepy to pose.

We can't wait to visit with all the friends we met last year, and begin to set up our Hospitality Station on the dock. Our table (kindly donated from One Palm Tree Court last year) is waiting for our personal touches before it can resume its job as potluck, hors d'oeuvres, and adult beverage holder. The Captain seems to think it will also be a sewing table, but serious negotiations will have to take place before that happens.

Out to sea

Monday morning was fuel-up and water-up at Ballard's (best place to get diesel), then out to sea! Goodbye to Ft. Myers mooring field for a while, anyway.

The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny with just a little rocking and rolling. We were able to put up the genoa for most of the day, and made good time to our first anchorage in the impressive Marco Island bay.

Day two was also beautiful, winds of course not always as predicted, but still some good motor sailing and we made good time. Our anchorage on the second night was outside Shark River (we could maybe have gotten in, but would have waited a looooong time for the tide to come up before we could've gotten out -- we did a light touch on the way out of the anchorage), and after the winds shifted we had a comfortable rock to sleep. On Wednesday, we flew not only the genoa, but the MAIN! Yes, that big white thing we usually use to store dirt daubers! Caught Optimystique with sails flying ahead of us, and had three gorgeous days of travel south.

We're happy to report that even though we saw many, many crab pots on the way (and not all of them out of the usual traffic lanes), we missed them all! Well....we did slice the marker of one in half, but no animals were harmed in the filming or production.