About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Under construction

Having been without internet service for a few weeks, the blog is now in a mess. The admiral finally figured out how to get pix in the text, and lost service in the process. Pix will be back, text will be updated, and photos of the holidays will arrive....soon.


  1. Thanks Jay, make sure she gets this all straightend out for us landlubbers,

    Hope you guys had a great holiday and am glad for you that your back on the boat. (I think)

  2. Of course you're glad for us....you'll want to be here too when it gets above freezing!! Hope you and yours are staying warm and safe, and had a great Christmas.

  3. It has been quite long enough to get this going again. How are we to know what adventures are being had by Captain Ron and crew?

  4. You guys need to borrow any tools? No, not the scrapers, get your own.

  5. Hey Jay and Nancy. Hope you get back to posting regular updates soon.
