About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Tribe Increases

We made a journey to Tennessee and Georgia this past week for a very important reason. Our youngest son Jesse and his fiancee Brittany are getting married May 8 in Macchu Picchu (they're acclimating to the altitude now). In order to have their union recognized in the U.S. they were required to have a civil ceremony here also. That meant we got to attend! We captured the courthouse along with Brittany's grandmother Janice, our daughter Julie, son-in-law Lake, and grandbabies Madison and Micah. It was a wonderful day, a beautiful ceremony, and we're proud to add a lovely daughter-in-law to our motley crew.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I haven't seen the babies in a while - gorgeous! The reception is going to be fun!
