About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bustin' moves and casting off

We enjoyed a goodbye cookout with Todd and Allyson (with Sarah, Gracie and Nathan), Jim and Kathryn (with James and Max) and William and Judy. These lucky sisters live near each other and their husbands work together, and their get-togethers are always fun and busy with kids and dogs and cats and laughter all around.

We all were encouraged (coerced) to dance with the Wii, and the results were enlightening and hilarious. The kids were the winners, but the grannies and grandaddies held their own (controllers). There's a video of the Captain that will have to go viral when the Admiral can download it.

After a great evening, we retired so William and Judy could begin their journey south the next morning. Since Serendipity still had jobs to finish (still don't know why they're not all done!!), we'll be a few days behind them. All lines were finally pried from the dock and Optimystique headed out on a cool but sunny Sunday. It looks pretty empty in the slip beside us, but we're almost ready!

1 comment:

  1. wow, sure looks cold and windy??? thanks for sharing cant wait for you to cast off the lines....POJ
