About Us

Living aboard and traveling on s/v Serendipity, Union 36. Beginning a new journey to visit Cuba (maybe), the Bahamas, or the western Caribbean.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Did someone lose their Keys?

We applied for our Local Boater's Option cards (which allow us to call Homeland Security when we arrive back in the States after our trip to the Bahamas, instead of taking a taxi or bus to Customs and Immigration), and had to pick them up in Key West (oh darn!!). We took six couples in two vans just to make it an event, and of course after visiting Customs we went first to Schooner Wharf to make sure Michael McCloud and Cinderella were doing okay without us. Thankfully, they were fine, but we stayed several hours just to make sure.

We stayed in touch via cell phone, so when we got a text that part of the crew was at Rick's, we headed over to check it out. The performer (Chris Gustelli) was great, so we spent several hours listening to his music. He probably wasn't too thrilled that the spring breakers he'd expected were almost all on Social Security, but he had a repertoire that would please any age group. We were by then able to dance like gazelles and sing like birds, so we accompanied him on many of his oldie tunes. Phred and Candy volunteered to be DDs, so they behaved and had cokes at the bar. Bob and Katie and Rusty and Nancy tried out for Dancing with the Stars, while Judy and Katie discussed their scores.

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